” You have done many things for us O Lord our God, There is no one like you! You have made many wonderful plants for us. I could never speak of them all- Their number is so great! “ Psalm 40:5
I am constantly reminded of these words that the psalmist proclaimed whenever I think of the wonderful way that the God has led us guided and protected us through all these years. To keep the motto “In the light we shall see light”, together with the band of committed staff you’ve not only merely sown the seeds of human values in the hearts of so many students but also promoted to inculcate and imbibe the spirit and aim at, for empowerment to build a better society tomorrow.
The promotion of leadership qualities through extra-curricular activities, besides academic excellence is very much visible too. The discipline maintained and opportunities provided for the students to develop the skills utilizing their talents is noteworthy. I implore God Almighty’s blessings on the institution in abundance.